Contacting your Senators and Representatives is crucial in advocating for Affordable Housing.

Contacting your Senators and Representatives through letters, emails, or calls is a crucial step in advocating for affordable housing due to several reasons:

Direct Communication with Elected Officials: When you contact your senators and representatives, you are speaking with the people who are in charge of formulating and enacting laws. Your suggestions may have an impact on how they make decisions.

Elected officials give priority to problems that concern their citizens, demonstrating their concern for the community. By expressing your support for affordable housing, you can convince others that this is a crucial issue in your state or district.

Personalization: When compared to generic messages, personalized letters, emails, and phone conversations have a greater impact. Policymakers may be moved by your personal tales, experiences, or arguments in favor of affordable housing.

Legislation’s Impact: When drafting and voting on legislation, elected authorities take public feedback into account.

“CLICK HERE” for a current list of Senators

“CLICK HERE” for a list of members of the 118th United States Congress

The Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (HERA): A Key Step Towards Affordable Housing

When it comes to securing affordable housing in the United States, understanding the policies and laws that support this crucial aspect of our society is essential. One such legislation that has had a significant impact on the affordable housing landscape is the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (HERA). In this blog, we will explore what HERA is and why it holds paramount importance for both tenants and property management companies like Olympia Management, Inc. Let’s delve in!

What is HERA?

HERA is a comprehensive legislation that was enacted by the United States Congress in response to the housing crisis that occurred in the late 2000s. Its primary objective was to stabilize the housing market, prevent foreclosures, and ensure the availability of affordable rental housing options for low-income individuals and families. This act introduced several provisions and reforms that collectively aimed to improve housing affordability and strengthen the overall economic conditions.

The Importance of HERA

HERA’s significance cannot be overstated. The act brought forth numerous benefits for both tenants and property management companies. Here are a few reasons why HERA is so important:

1. Expanded Homeownership Opportunities

HERA introduced measures to provide Americans with increased access to mortgage credit, particularly for low-income individuals and first-time homebuyers. By expanding homeownership opportunities, HERA encouraged the growth of stable communities and economic prosperity.

2. Strengthened Foreclosure Prevention Efforts

The act established the Neighborhood Stabilization Program, which allocated funds to local governments and nonprofit organizations to rehabilitate and resell vacant, foreclosed properties. This initiative not only helped revitalize neighborhoods but also prevented further downward spirals in housing markets.

3. Enhanced Affordable Rental Housing

HERA protected and expanded affordable rental housing availability for low-income households. It created the Housing Trust Fund, which provided grants to states to construct, rehabilitate, and preserve affordable housing for those in need. This provision proved instrumental in ensuring that individuals and families had access to safe, quality, and affordable rental options.

4. Improved Tenant Protections

HERA established stronger Tenant Protections Voucher Program, which better regulated the rental housing market and offered greater security for renters. This program aimed to prevent unjust evictions and promote tenant well-being, ultimately ensuring peace of mind for all residents.

5. Promoted Sustainable Communities

HERA aimed to develop sustainable and energy-efficient communities. It encouraged the adoption of green building practices, the use of renewable energy sources, and the development of affordable housing in locations that minimize transportation costs and environmental impacts.


The Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (HERA) has played an integral role in shaping the affordable housing landscape in the United States. By expanding homeownership opportunities, strengthening foreclosure prevention efforts, enhancing affordable rental housing options, improving tenant protections, and promoting sustainable communities, HERA has undeniably made a significant positive impact on individuals, families, and communities nationwide.

At Olympia Management, Inc., we recognize the importance of HERA and its role in ensuring our tenants’ well-being. We remain committed to providing top-quality living conditions, exceptional management services, and unwavering support to our residents. HERA is a testament to our shared goal of creating secure, affordable, and sustainable communities where everyone can thrive.

If you have any questions about HERA or how Olympia Management, Inc. can assist you in finding an affordable housing solution, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to help individuals and families achieve their dream of having a safe and affordable place to call home.

The National Housing Trust Fund: A Vital Resource for Affordable Housing

The National Housing Trust Fund (HTF) is a vital resource that has been consistently contributing to the availability of safe and affordable rental housing for low-income individuals and families since 2016. This program represents a significant milestone as the first new housing initiative introduced since 1974 with a specific focus on constructing, rehabilitating, preserving, and managing rental housing for those with extremely limited incomes. In this blog post, we will delve into the background of the HTF and explore how it plays a pivotal role in enhancing resources for the affordable housing sector.

History of the HTF

The HTF came into existence as a result of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008, and after eight years of meticulous planning, it commenced its operations. Administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), this program extends financial support to states, enabling them to conceive and safeguard rental housing for households with exceptionally low incomes. In the context of the prevailing affordable housing crisis in the United States, the HTF assumes a critical position in the overall strategy to alleviate this challenge.

Expanding Resources for the Affordable Housing Community

Central to the mission of the HTF is the provision of assistance for crafting affordable housing solutions tailored to the needs of low-income families. The program allocates grants to states, facilitating the acquisition, construction, and restoration of rental housing units that remain within the financial reach of households earning 30% or less of the local area median income. This represents a noteworthy augmentation of resources for the affordable housing community, fostering the development of new housing options while maintaining cost-effectiveness.

Moreover, the HTF is unwavering in its commitment to ensuring that affordable housing is not only economical but also safe and environmentally sustainable. The initiative places a strong emphasis on the implementation of energy-efficient and eco-friendly construction practices. This emphasis not only lowers energy expenses for tenants but also enhances the overall quality of life within these communities. By prioritizing sustainability, the HTF guarantees the enduring affordability of these housing options, as energy costs are pivotal in determining housing affordability for low-income households.


At Olympia Management, Inc., we understand the significance of the Housing Trust Fund (HTF) in providing a lifeline for extremely low-income individuals and families. This historic program plays a pivotal role in channeling essential funds to states, enabling the development and preservation of affordable rental housing.

The expansion of HTF resources is truly empowering, as it provides a pathway to secure and sustainable housing for those with earnings equivalent to or less than 30% of the local area median income, granting them access to housing that is both secure and sustainable. The HTF’s enduring commitment to sustainability cements its role as a bulwark against the affordable housing crisis in the United States, ensuring that affordability persists in the long run.

At Olympia Management, Inc., we believe in providing security, peace of mind, and exceptional management to all of our residents. By partnering with the HTF, we can continue to prioritize the needs of the affordable housing community, working together to create a brighter future for all.

Unlocking Opportunities: Empowering Generations Through Affordable Housing

Introducing a scene all too familiar: a young family squeezed into a cramped apartment, grappling to make ends meet, all while harboring aspirations of a brighter future for their children. Sadly, this tableau is far from uncommon. The scarcity of affordable housing, or lack thereof, profoundly shapes the trajectories of numerous families and neighborhoods. Affordable homes aren’t just a basic necessity; they hold the key to shattering the cycle of intergenerational poverty and forging pathways to economic advancement. In the pages ahead, we’ll delve into the potent influence of affordable housing and examine how it can metamorphose lives and communities for the better.

The Intergenerational Poverty Loop

Intergenerational poverty spins a web of disadvantage that spans across generations. Families entrapped in this cycle confront restricted access to quality education, diminished employment prospects, and compromised health outcomes. The absence of secure and affordable housing compounds these hardships, triggering a downward spiral that’s hard to escape. When families dedicate a substantial chunk of their earnings to housing, investing in their children’s education, health, and future prospects becomes an uphill struggle, thus perpetuating the cycle of impoverishment.

Affordable homes stand as a catalyst for breaking free from this cycle. They provide stability, security, and a base for advancement. With access to affordable housing, families can channel resources into education, skill-building, and overall well-being. This shift in focus dismantles the intergenerational poverty loop by opening doors for children to transcend the constraints of their circumstances.

Economic Ascension and Affordable Housing

Economic mobility forms the bedrock of thriving communities. It signifies the capacity of individuals and families to ascend the socioeconomic ladder, transcending their initial standing. Research consistently underscores the pivotal role of affordable housing in heightening economic mobility. When housing costs burden families, their ability to invest in education, vocational training, and entrepreneurship is severely curtailed.

Affordable homes empower individuals and families to invest in themselves and their future. Reduced housing expenditures enable them to pursue higher education, vocational training, and even entrepreneurial endeavors. These opportunities construct a path to financial stability and upward social mobility, contributing to the overall vitality of communities.

The Far-Reaching Impact of Affordable Housing

The influence of affordable housing extends beyond individual abodes. Communities that invest in affordable housing initiatives foster diversity, dynamism, and a sense of belonging. Affordable homes furnish a platform for people from diverse backgrounds to coexist in the same neighborhoods, encouraging cross-cultural interactions and mutual understanding.

Contrary to the notion that affordable housing devalues property prices, consistent studies reveal the opposite. Well-conceived affordable housing developments can elevate property values by rejuvenating neighborhoods and luring businesses. The outcome is a flourishing community where everyone reaps the rewards.

A Call to Action: Building a Brighter Future for All

At Olympia Management, Inc., we firmly believe that affordable housing is not just about providing shelter. It is a beacon of hope that has the power to break the chains of intergenerational poverty and pave the way towards economic mobility. As we have explored the benefits of affordable homes, we have witnessed firsthand how they uplift individuals, families, and entire communities.

Now is the time for decisive action. Let us join forces and rally behind the cause of affordable housing. Together, we can advocate for change and actively contribute to initiatives that uplift our communities. It is by standing united that we can reshape the future, where the potential of each individual knows no bounds. A future where dreams are realized and the cycle of intergenerational poverty is finally shattered.

Olympia Management, Inc. is committed to providing not only affordable housing but also ensuring exceptional management and high-quality living conditions. We understand the importance of security and peace of mind for our residents. Our unwavering dedication to tenant well-being is at the heart of everything we do.

Join us on this journey towards creating a better world for all, where every individual has access to safe, sanitary, and affordable housing. Together, we can build a brighter future, where no one is left behind. Let’s make a difference.

The 1986 Tax Reform Act: A Landmark Piece of Legislation

At Olympia Management, Inc., we understand the vital role that the 1986 Tax Reform Act plays in shaping the landscape of affordable housing. This groundbreaking legislation, passed by the United States government, brought about sweeping changes to the US tax code, with far-reaching impacts on individuals, businesses, and the economy as a whole.

Prior to the reform, the tax code was burdened with complexity, favoring the wealthy with numerous loopholes and deductions. The 1986 Tax Reform Act sought to simplify and streamline the tax code, lowering tax rates and eliminating many of these loopholes, creating a more equitable system.

One of the most significant changes introduced by the act was the reduction of the top individual income tax rate from 50% to 28%. This reduction made the tax code fairer and more accessible for low- and middle-income families, allowing them to keep more of their hard-earned money. Additionally, the act increased the standard deduction amount, simplifying the process of filing taxes and reducing financial burden for individuals.

The importance of the 1986 Tax Reform Act becomes even more apparent when considering its impact on the economy. By lowering the corporate tax rate and eliminating loopholes and deductions, the act stimulated investment and job creation, fostering economic growth and stability. With a more transparent and predictable tax code, businesses were able to plan and operate with confidence, thus contributing to the overall health of the economy.

Beyond these crucial improvements, the 1986 Tax Reform Act holds special significance for the affordable housing community. It gave birth to the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program, a game-changing initiative that has had far-reaching positive effects.

LIHTC is a cornerstone of affordable housing, providing tax credits to investors who build or rehabilitate affordable housing units. These credits incentivize investment in affordable housing projects, offsetting the costs and making them financially viable. As a result, the availability of high-quality affordable housing units has increased, addressing the pressing need for safe and secure homes.

The impact of LIHTC cannot be overstated. Through this program, Olympia Management, Inc. and other affordable housing providers can create living conditions that uphold our unwavering commitment to tenant well-being and security. LIHTC ensures that low-income families have access to safe and affordable homes, fostering a sense of belonging and promoting peace of mind.

In conclusion, the 1986 Tax Reform Act is a landmark piece of legislation that has shaped the US tax system and transformed the landscape of affordable housing. It created a fairer and more equitable tax code, while also establishing LIHTC as a critical tool to increase the availability of affordable housing units. At Olympia Management, Inc., we are proud to support programs like LIHTC and remain dedicated to providing secure, high-quality living conditions for all members of our affordable housing community.

The Impacts of Affordable Housing on Education

Access to stable and affordable housing is a fundamental right and plays a crucial role in shaping various aspects of an individual’s life. Among its many effects, one of the most significant is its impact on education, especially for children. Stable housing provides a secure and peaceful environment that fosters learning and personal growth. In this blog post, we will explore how affordable housing positively affects education and why it is essential to advocate for policies that prioritize housing stability for families.

Better Student Achievement

Research has consistently shown that stable and affordable housing has a direct positive impact on student achievement. When children have a stable home, they are more likely to focus on their studies and perform better academically. Statistics reveal that students living in affordable housing have higher grades and test scores compared to those facing housing instability.

A secure living environment plays a critical role in promoting focused learning. Children in stable homes are less likely to worry about frequent moves or financial hardships, allowing them to concentrate on their studies. This leads to improved cognitive development and academic success.

Reduced Absenteeism

Affordable housing contributes to reduced absenteeism rates among students. Frequent moves and housing instability can disrupt a child’s education, leading to higher rates of absenteeism. When families struggle to find affordable homes and keep up with housing expenses, children may be forced to change schools frequently, impacting their attendance.

Stable housing ensures that students can attend school regularly without disruptions, leading to better overall performance and a greater sense of belonging within the school community.

Reduced Student Turnover Rates

High student turnover rates have detrimental effects on both teachers and classmates. When students frequently change schools due to housing issues, it becomes challenging for them to form strong relationships with peers and teachers. This lack of stability can hinder their academic progress and emotional well-being.

Affordable housing helps reduce unwanted moves, providing students with a stable learning environment. As a result, they can build stronger relationships with teachers and classmates, enhancing their overall educational experience.

Improved Access to Neighborhoods of Opportunity

Housing assistance that ensures affordable options for families can also have a profound impact on children’s education by providing access to safe and opportunity-rich neighborhoods. Living in areas with better schools, resources, and community support can significantly influence a child’s educational achievement.

Affordable housing acts as a stepping stone towards higher education and better future opportunities. When families have access to stable homes in good neighborhoods, children are more likely to be exposed to positive influences, leading to long-term benefits for their education and personal development.


In conclusion, stable and affordable housing is not only a basic necessity but also a crucial factor in promoting children’s educational success. The positive impacts of affordable housing on education are far-reaching, from better student achievement and reduced absenteeism to improved classroom dynamics and access to better opportunities.

As a society, we must recognize the importance of affordable housing and advocate for policies that prioritize housing stability for families. By supporting organizations and initiatives that work towards providing affordable housing options, we can create a positive and lasting impact on children’s education and their overall well-being.

Advocate for Affordable Housing and Support Policies

To make a difference, we can take action by supporting organizations that work tirelessly to provide affordable housing options for families in need. By joining or donating to these initiatives, we contribute directly to creating stable living environments that positively impact education.

To learn more and get involved in affordable housing advocacy, readers can visit reputable websites and resources that offer valuable information and opportunities for engagement. Additionally, spreading awareness about the impact of affordable housing on education and engaging in conversations with friends, family, and policymakers can create a ripple effect of change.

By working collectively, we can create a ripple effect of change, ensuring that affordable housing remains at the forefront of our communities. At Olympia Management, Inc., we are dedicated to providing exceptional affordable housing solutions that prioritize tenant well-being, security, and peace of mind. Let us champion affordable housing as we invest in the future of our children and the prosperity of our society as a whole.

The Impact of Low-Income Tax Credit: Ronald Reagan’s Vision for Affordable Housing


Affordable housing is not just a fundamental necessity; it is a cornerstone of a thriving community. In the pursuit of providing secure and high-quality living conditions for low-income individuals and families, the concept of the Low-Income Tax Credit (LIHTC) was introduced. With its inception during the Reagan administration, the LIHTC program has become a powerful tool in addressing the housing needs of our society. In this blog, we will explore the vision of Ronald Reagan and the enduring impact of the Low-Income Tax Credit program.

The Legacy of Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan was not only known for his economic policies but also for his commitment to empowering individuals and communities. As the 40th President of the United States, he recognized the importance of affordable housing as a means to create stable and inclusive communities. Under his leadership, the LIHTC program was established in 1986, a groundbreaking initiative that revolutionized the affordable housing landscape.

The Low-Income Tax Credit (LIHTC) Program

The LIHTC program was designed to incentivize the development and preservation of affordable rental housing. It provides tax credits to developers and investors who commit to constructing or rehabilitating housing units for low-income individuals and families. This tax credit serves as a catalyst for private investment in affordable housing projects, ensuring the availability of safe and well-maintained homes for those who need them most.

How does the LIHTC Program work?

  1. Allocation of Tax Credits: Each year, the federal government allocates a specific amount of tax credits to state housing agencies. These agencies then distribute the tax credits to developers through a competitive process.
  2. Developer Partnerships: Developers partner with investors who provide the necessary capital to build or rehabilitate affordable housing projects. In return, the investors receive tax credits over a period of 10 years.
  3. Affordable Housing Units: The developers commit to renting a percentage of the units to low-income individuals or families at below-market rates. This ensures that those who are struggling to make ends meet have access to safe and affordable housing options.

The Enduring Impact

The impact of the LIHTC program is truly remarkable. Since its inception, it has been responsible for the production and preservation of millions of affordable housing units across the nation. This program has not only addressed the immediate housing needs but has also fostered a sense of community and stability among low-income individuals and families.

Benefits of the LIHTC Program

  1. Stable Housing: The LIHTC program provides a stable housing solution for low-income individuals and families, reducing the risk of homelessness and displacement.
  2. Quality Living Conditions: Affordable housing projects developed under the LIHTC program adhere to high-quality standards, ensuring a safe and healthy environment for residents.
  3. Tenant Protections: The LIHTC program includes tenant protections, safeguarding the rights and well-being of residents.
  4. Community Development: The LIHTC program contributes to the development and revitalization of neighborhoods, creating thriving communities for all.


Ronald Reagan’s vision and the establishment of the Low-Income Tax Credit program have had a profound and lasting impact on the affordable housing landscape. Through this program, countless low-income individuals and families have found security, stability, and a place to call home. At Olympia Management, Inc., we are proud to be part of this legacy, working tirelessly to provide exceptional management and unwavering commitment to the well-being of our residents in affordable housing communities. Together, we can continue to build safer and stronger communities that place the needs of our residents at the forefront.

Understanding the Difference between Qualified Basis and Eligible Basis in Affordable Housing

Understanding the Difference between Qualified Basis and Eligible Basis in Affordable Housing

At Olympia Management, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional affordable housing options to individuals and families in need. As part of our commitment to transparency and education, this blog aims to shed light on the difference between two important terms in the affordable housing industry: qualified basis and eligible basis. Understanding these concepts is crucial for both tenants and those involved in affordable housing development and management.

Key Points:

  1. What is qualified basis?
    • The qualified basis refers to the portion of a low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) property that is eligible for tax credits.
    • It is calculated based on the number of affordable units and their income restrictions.
    • The qualified basis is important for developers as it determines the amount of tax credits they can receive.
  2. What is eligible basis?
    • The eligible basis represents the total development cost of a low-income housing project that can be used to claim tax credits.
    • It includes both the cost of constructing or rehabilitating the property and certain soft costs.
    • The eligible basis serves as the foundation for determining the amount of tax credits a project is eligible to receive.
  3. The relationship between qualified basis and eligible basis:
    • While both terms relate to the allocation of tax credits, there are distinct differences between them.
    • The qualified basis focuses specifically on the portion of the project that contains affordable units and meets the income restrictions.
    • The eligible basis, on the other hand, encompasses the entire development cost, including both affordable and market-rate units.
  4. Importance for tenants:
    • Understanding the difference between qualified basis and eligible basis can help tenants determine their eligibility for affordable housing.
    • By knowing the qualified basis, tenants can ensure that the property they are interested in meets the income requirements necessary for affordable housing.
  5. Importance for developers and managers:
    • For developers and property managers, grasping the distinction between qualified basis and eligible basis is essential when planning, financing, and managing affordable housing projects.
    • Properly allocating the qualified and eligible basis allows for accurate calculation of tax credits, ensuring financial viability and compliance with affordable housing regulations.

At Olympia Management, we firmly believe that knowledge is power, and by understanding the nuances of affordable housing terms like qualified basis and eligible basis, tenants, developers, and managers can make informed decisions that positively impact individuals and communities.

We remain steadfast in our commitment to providing high-quality living conditions, exceptional management, and unwavering support for the well-being of our residents. By prioritizing security, peace of mind, and affordability, Olympia Management continues to elevate the standard of affordable housing across the nation.

If you have any further questions or would like to learn more about our affordable housing options, please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated team. We are here to help you every step of the way.

The History and Importance of the Housing Act of 1949

The Housing Act of 1949 was a landmark piece of legislation that aimed to improve housing conditions across the United States. At its core, the act recognized that safe and affordable housing was a fundamental human right, and sought to promote equal access to housing for all Americans.

Prior to the Housing Act of 1949, many low-income families in the U.S. lived in substandard housing with little to no access to basic amenities such as running water or electricity. In addition, landlords were known to charge exorbitant rent for these housing units while refusing to make the necessary repairs and renovations to maintain safe living conditions.

The Housing Act of 1949 changed all of that. It provided federal funding to local governments across the U.S. to build or improve public housing units, and set new standards for housing quality, occupancy, and maintenance. The act also established the Public Housing Agency (PHA) which was responsible for managing the public housing units and ensuring that they were safe and sanitary for tenants.

One of the key features of the Housing Act of 1949 was its focus on affordable housing. The act provided subsidies to low-income families to help make their housing more affordable. In doing so, it helped to ensure that all Americans had access to safe and decent housing, regardless of their income.

Fast-forward to the present day, and the Housing Act of 1949 remains just as relevant. While much progress has been made in improving housing conditions in the U.S., there is still a great need for affordable housing. The act serves as a reminder of the importance of investing in safe and affordable housing for all Americans, particularly those who are most vulnerable.

In conclusion, the Housing Act of 1949 remains a critical piece of legislation that has changed the course of housing in the United States for decades. Its emphasis on affordable housing and safe living conditions has helped countless families to secure stable and decent housing, and has improved the overall quality of life for many Americans. By continuing to prioritize affordable housing initiatives, we can build on the legacy of the Housing Act of 1949 and ensure that all Americans have access to the safe and sustainable housing they deserve.

Empowering Women through the Violence Against Women Act of 1994

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) of 1994 is a federal law that changed the landscape of domestic and sexual violence prevention, prosecution, and protection in the United States. VAWA provides vital protections and resources to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. The law also emphasizes prevention, education, and community-focused approaches to address and reduce violence against women.

Relevant statistics:
According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, one in three women and one in four men have experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime. Moreover, 63% of homeless women have experienced domestic violence. The National Sexual Violence Resource Center reports that one in five women and one in 71 men will be raped at some point in their lives. These statistics highlight the pervasive and widespread nature of domestic and sexual violence in our society.

VAWA’s impact:
VAWA represents a critical turning point in our national response to domestic and sexual violence. The law recognizes that violence against women is not a private matter but a public health and safety issue that needs to be addressed at all levels of society. With VAWA, survivors have access to essential resources and support, including funding for shelters, hotlines, legal advocacy, and law enforcement training. The law also established the Office on Violence Against Women within the Department of Justice to oversee national efforts to combat domestic and sexual violence.

Diverse perspectives:
VAWA is crucial not only for the women who directly benefit from its provisions but also for their families, communities, and society as a whole. However, it is essential to acknowledge that domestic and sexual violence affects people of all genders, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds. While the law is gender-specific in its language and focus, VAWA includes provisions that recognize the unique experiences and risks of violence faced by LGBTQ+ individuals, Native American women, immigrants, and others who have historically faced barriers to accessing safety and justice.

Empowering women:
VAWA empowers women by providing them with the resources, protection, and support they need to rebuild their lives after experiencing violence. It sends a powerful message that they are not alone, that what happened to them was wrong, and that they have the right to seek safety and justice. Moreover, the law helps to shift cultural attitudes and norms around gender-based violence by emphasizing prevention and holding perpetrators accountable for their actions.

The Violence Against Women Act of 1994 is a groundbreaking law that has transformed our society’s response to domestic and sexual violence. While there is still much work to be done to prevent and end violence against women, VAWA is a crucial piece of legislation that has saved countless lives and empowered survivors to seek the help and support they need. By acknowledging the diverse experiences and needs of survivors and investing in prevention and education, we can continue to build a safer, more equitable society for all.

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. (n.d.) Domestic Violence in America.

National Sexual Violence Resource Center. (n.d.) Statistics about sexual violence. Violence Against Women Act: Protecting Women Through Law

AHFA – Development Spotlight – Evangeline Heights, Phenix City

AHFA’s Development Spotlight | Evangeline Heights, Phenix City

June 30, 2017

Development Info:

56 units, built-in 2003

Serves: single parents, families, and elderly residents

AHFA funding sources: Housing Credits: $367,836 (2003)


Amenities/Tenant Services:

Evangeline Heights offers amenities such as a community clubhouse, pool, gazebo, park benches, central mailboxes, on-site laundry room, and monthly pest control. Each of the 56 units has washer/dryer connections and a fully equipped kitchen. Residents benefit from tenant services such as holiday parties and community events, fire safety and drug awareness programs, and a neighborhood watch program.

According to Debbie Smith, office manager of Olympia Management, Evangeline Heights is a special development because it gives low-income families an opportunity to “live in a safe and beautiful housing complex with a rent they can afford that offers lovely amenities just as a conventional community does.”

Evangeline Heights is managed by AHFA’s 2017 Manager of the Year Kimyatta Banks. Smith said, “Kim is a dedicated manager who goes above and beyond the call of a manager. She treats the property as if it is her own. She cares about the welfare of the residents and treats them like her family. Her residents are very proud of her win. Olympia is very proud of Kim; she has always, and will always, be outstanding to Olympia and the residents of Evangeline.”

Heartfelt letters from residents of Evangeline Heights supporting Banks’ nomination as a Manager of the Year candidate helped secure a win for their “Auntie Kim.”

Smith said, “Having a good manager at Evangeline Heights makes the community feel important. It provides a sense of security to the residents that if a problem arises Kim will be there to resolve the situation no matter what it is. A good manager has a good relationship with city officials and law enforcement, and also different agencies in the area to help tenants with different needs.”



AHFA – Development Spotlight | Alex Place, Livingston

Development Spotlight | Alex Place, Livingston

November 01, 2017

Development Info:

24 units, built-in 1998
Serves: families, elderly, and disabled residents in Sumter County
AHFA funding sources: $565,000 in HOME funds (1998) | $122,982 in Housing Credits (1999)

Amenities/Tenant Services:

“I think Alex Place is special because this is not just a complex; I consider it to be an extension of my family,” said Rosa H. Washington, property manager. “My motto is we are our brother’s keeper and for the most part, we try to look out for each other, especially our children. I have found that if you just give a child a few encouraging words, that can make a world of difference in the way they see themselves.”

To maintain the bond between management and the residents and encourage a community atmosphere, Washington arranges a number of special events throughout the year, such as celebrations of major holidays, movie nights, and luncheons.

Washington said Alex Place’s biggest event is their Safety/Fun Day when the Fire Department, Sheriff’s Department, and Police Department come out to celebrate with the residents. The children enjoy getting to play on the fire truck and ambulance and playing with the lights and sirens on the police/sheriff cars.

Homework Club:

After noticing that many of the school-aged children of Alex Place lacked constructive after-school activities, Washington spearheaded an effort to create a homework club. “It has been a major blessing for our children,” she said. Resident Shalanda Campbell does the majority of the tutoring, and Washington ensures the students have snacks and necessary supplies. “I found there was a need for the children, as well as adults, to have access to a computer to complete homework assignments,” she said. She explained the situation to Alex Beaver with Olympia Management, Alex Place’s management company. Mr. Beaver then reached out to Olympia’s IT staff, who built the club a new computer from miscellaneous parts of discarded company equipment. The Alex Place Homework Club has been so successful that it has been expanded to include residents of neighboring apartment complexes.

