Christmas-1967-toys-around-the-treeThe holidays are a joyous time of year. Parties, presents and time spent with family or friends all add to the spirit of the season. But something else that can happen is overspending. That can lead to trouble when you don’t have the money to make the monthly rent payment. But the good news is that by taking action now, you can keep your budget under control during this festive time of the year.

  1. Establish a Budget for Holiday Gift Giving

    Before you shop online or head to the local mall to shop for gifts, it’s important to determine how much you plan to spend. Once you decide on an overall amount, you can decide how much you want to allocate to each present. With some simple planning, you won’t need to worry about running short on cash for your rent.

  2.  Pay cash.

    If you have had trouble in the past, do a cash-only Christmas. Set a limit, put that amount of money in your wallet and when that money is gone, stop.

  3. Shop with a list

    Know who you want to buy for and what you want to buy, and go to the store with a list.  Having a list makes it easier to get through the stores and will help avoid impulse buying. When you have finished your shopping for the list, stop – even if you have money left over.

  4. Take Advantage of Sales and Special Discounts

    The holidays are the perfect time to find gifts at a discounted price. Black Friday sales and Cyber Monday specials offer tremendous savings on some pretty amazing items. But if you miss these well-known seasonal promotions, don’t fret. Many stores and online merchants now extend special pricing well into December.

  5. Cut Back on Your Optional Expenses During the Holiday Season

    You might be surprised at how much you can save by cutting down on things like eating out or heading to the local coffee shop every day. Scaling back your spending on those little personal expenses can add up to a lot of savings at the end of the month.

  6.  Remember the reason for the season.

    Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa, keeping the holiday’s spiritual message front and center is a good antidote to the holiday hype. Instead of spending Christmas time in the mall, a much better gift would be to spend your time with family.

Contact Olympia Management, Inc. to Find More Affordable Rent

With the six simple tips outlined above, you can enjoy the holiday season without worrying about coming up short on the rent. And if you are looking for more affordable housing options, contact Olympia Management, Inc. at 256-894-2382.