You’ve filled out the application, paid your deposit and signed the lease, and you’ve just unloaded your stuff into your new rental apartment. Congratulations! Now comes the fun part — decorating! If you’re not paying attention, the cost of furniture and decorations can get out of hand very quickly. How do you make it home without breaking the bank? Here are 4 cost-saving tips for decorating your new rental apartment on a budget.

1. Hit the yard sales

If you’re up for a little “treasure hunt,” those weekend yard sales, estate sales, and garage sales are some of the best places to get a bargain on things you need to decorate. Not all of it is junk, either — often people are getting rid of some great things because they’re downsizing and don’t want to move them. Grab some cash and make a day (or two of it). You might be surprised at how many decorative items and furniture pieces you can pick up for pennies on the dollar.

2. Hit the thrift stores and flea markets

Secondhand stores, flea markets and thrift shops aren’t just great for finding cheap clothing. A lot of times you can find terrific used furniture, along with a variety of other decorative odds and ends that would be perfect for filling up the shelves or the mantle. You might even find something you didn’t even know you needed!

3. Check online to fill in the gaps

After all your yard sale rummaging, thrift shopping, and flea market junketing, you might still have some key pieces that you’re looking for. To finetune your search while still getting a bargain, look no further than your favorite social media network! Local online “yard sales” have risen in popularity over the past several years, which makes shopping for a new dining table or toaster oven as easy as simply scrolling through your newsfeed. Hitting up online classified and auction sites is also a great option, but remember to be wary of scams. Whichever route you choose, chances are there is someone on the internet who is selling an end table, bookshelf or armchair that would be perfect for completing the look of your rental apartment.

There’s no reason to go broke or into debt while trying to decorate your new rental apartment — of for that matter, while trying to rent an apartment. To learn more about affordable apartment rentals in your area, contact Olympia Management today at 256-894-2382.